Nowadays young people and foreigners who reach the valley appears incredible that in the "small" countries they could live so many people, the territory was being used the maximum, from the valley floor to the highest heights. Still today the buildings are clearly visible realized stone walls and roof covering in stone slabs, easily visible in winter when the vegetation cover is lacking, realized by the tenacity of the people of the valley and at present submerged by vegetation and even destroyed.
For walk the entire the Valle Cannobina, For walk the entire Cannobina Valle, the only one practicable road in the car is the Strada Proivinciale n. 75, which branches off the roads which reach the various localities of the valley. There is the presence of an old mule track, which once was the only connection between the Valle Vigezzo and Lago Maggiore, call Strada Borromea (so named after the pastoral visit of San Carlo Borromeo in 1574), again covered on foot . There is also a a network of paths in valley that over the last few years is gradually being recovering, the majority are of difficulty elementary or easy for both the height differences to be overcome and for the journey time, it is a network of trails that it develops connecting together all countries and medium and high altitudes alpine pastures. These paths are practicable so by a wide range of people who, not necessarily, must have a particular athletic training and is recommended to the family groups.
In the Valle Cannobina, we can say that every country has its own traditional costume for the women, it comes to just garish costumes and poor but distinctive, the costume is completed with multicolored handkerchiefs for the head and small lace shawls. In contrast to other valleys, do not is the presence of particular costumes for the men who wore almost exclusively moleskin clothes, you can have a complete view by visiting the Museo Etnografico of Gurro and Valle Cannobina.
The Valle Cannobina is a valley in northern Piedmont, in the Province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, it belongs to Alpi Leopoltine, overlooking the western shore of Lago Maggiore bordering north with Canton Ticino (Switzerland) and has an area of about 11,000 hectares. He trend from the west-east from the high part way to its outlet directly on the lake in Cannobio.
The climate on the shores of Lago Maggiore, including therefore the the lower basin of Valle Cannobina, results to have none average monthly temperature below zero degrees Celsius, while the annual average is around ten degrees centigrade, so the more you enter the the upper part of valley, how much monthly and annual medium temperature are lowered. The winters are dry and the rains during the course of the year are plentiful.
The Torrente Cannobino that is formed at the foot of the Cima Cortechiuso, has a transversal trend dividend the valley into two slopes. On the slope to the south (right) we find the villages of Gurro at an altitude of 812 meters a.s.l., Falmenta at an altitude of 666 meters a.s.l., Crealla at an altitude of 627 meters a.s.l. and Socraggio at an altitude of 485 meters a.s.l.. On the slope on the north (left), we find the villages of Finero (Fraction of the Municipality of Malesco) at an altitude of 896 meters a.s.l., Cursolo at an altitude of 886 meters a.s.l., Orasso at an altitude of 705 meters a.s.l., Spoccia at an altitude of 798 meters a.s.l., Gurrone at an altitude of 697 meters a.s.l. and Cavaglio San Donnino at an altitude of 501 meters a.s.l. At the exit of the valley we find the town of Traffiume, built on alluvial deposits at an altitude of 236 meters a.s.l. and Cannobio, on the shores of Lago Maggiore, at an altitude of 214 meters a.s.l.. The main tributaries of the Torrente Cannobino are the Rio Creves, the Rio Orasso, the Rio Cavaglio, the Rio Falmenta, the Rio Crealla and the Rio of Socraggio.